The Boy With Long Hair


The Boy With Long Hair is a story for all children who have felt left out because their heritage has given them customs that seem strange to some people. It is a story of a boy who knows that although people may look or behave differently, there is much that they all have in common. With his innocence and simplicity, the boy with long hair will warm the hearts of both adults and children.

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Author & Illustrator: — Ms. Pushpinder Kaur

Publisher: Tej Publishing House

Approved by the California Department of Education as
Supplemental Instructional Material for K-3 grades

Included in the California History and Social Studies Framework  

Recognizing the lack of knowledge about Sikhs & Sikhism in the western world including the United States, and the need for educating the masses about Sikh identity, it is very important to include information about Sikhs in school textbooks and Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM).

The Boy with Long Hair is a true story of a California-born Sikh boy. He was quite happy in San Jose. His family moved to a small town where they had not seen a boy with long hair. Here, no one wanted to play with him, or talk to him. His isolation saddened him and ignorance of kids around him angered him. This book tells the story of courage and triumph of this young boy, how he dealt with the situation and finally became happy as the boy with long hair. His unique identity was no longer a problem. Everyone in his school knew him as an intelligent fun-loving boy.

In the words of the author, Pushpinder Kaur, it is a story for all those children who have felt left out and lonely because their heritage has given them customs that seem strange to some people. It is the story of a boy who knows that although people may look or behave differently, there is much that they share. She states, “This coloring book teaches children to be proactive, finding solutions to problems. Children and teachers alike realize that we have many similarities despite our differences, as the boy with long hair points them out. This book sends a powerful message about respect for diversity of our nation (America).”

It is extremely important that Sikh parents request the teachers of their school children to make use of these Supplemental Instructional Materials. Gifting this book to the teachers and the Principal concerned will definitely encourage them to use this CDE-approved book for education of the staff and the students. Readers are requested to convey this message to Sikhs throughout California.

This book is now available at

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Price $5.00


$3.50/book for 1-5 books

6-10 books- $13.85

10+ books- Please call 408 679 7554